
Team Submissions
Delegates, it’s time to make sure that all your players in each team have been entered into Dribl.

The Devonport Cup
The Devonport Cup is held over the June long weekend and is open teams (boys, girls and mixed) for the U9 to U16 age groups. Note that southern teams have the option of not playing on the Friday (on request).

The Hobart Cup
In 2025 The Hobart Cup will now span over two weekends.
This Hobart Cup weekend is for the U6, U7, U8, U10, U13 and U15 age groups.

The Hobart Cup
In 2025 The Hobart Cup will now span over two weekends.
This Hobart Cup weekend is for the U9, U11, U12, U14 and U16 age groups.

The Launceston Cup
The Launceston Cup is open teams (boys, girls and mixed) for the U9 to U16 age groups. Note that southern teams have the option of not playing on the Friday (on request).

Team Nominations Open
Delegates! It’s time to nominate your teams. Nominations close on Friday, 4 April 2025.

Central Region Junior Football Association (CRJFA) will be holding the Annual General Meeting via zoom. The AGM will commence at 7:00 PM and will be followed by a general meeting straight after. All members of Central Region Junior Football Association (CRJFA) are welcome and encouraged to attend.
The Treasurer's Report, Election of Officers will be the primary business of the AGM. Positions to be elected are listed in the AGM Agenda. If you wish to nominate for a position contact the CRJFA Secretary for the nomination forms. Forms are due by no later than 5pm, 3 February 2025. Delegates will be emailed a copy of the Agenda and other relevant documents prior to the meeting.
Signed by CRJFA Executive Committee.